mental health counselor

mental health counselor

nursing student

nursing student



occupational therapy

occupational therapy

or nurse

or nurse



patient coordinator

patient coordinator

physical therapy

According to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), physical therapists, also known as PTs, “are movement experts who improve quality of life through prescribed exercise, hands-on care, and patient education.” The association explains that PTs diagnose and treat individuals of all ages, including those with injuries, disabilities, or other health conditions that need treatment, as well as anyone who simply wants to improve their health in an effort to prevent future problems.

It’s no doubt a profession that requires considerable training, skill, and dedication to excel in. It’s great news, then, that the future looks bright for PTs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that employment of physical therapists will grow by 22 percent from 2018 to 2028, which is considerably faster than the 5 percent average for all occupations. 

With an average of 16,900 job openings projected each year over the decade, it may certainly be tempting to send out as many job applications as possible using the same resume. After all, with so many jobs to go around, a pretty solid resume is enough to score one of them, right?

Not necessarily. The job market for PTs is still highly competitive, particularly for stable jobs at reputable companies. It’s also worth keeping in mind that wages can vary significantly in the industry. The median annual wage for physical therapists is quite high at approximately $89,000, however, the lowest 10 percent earn less than around $62,000, while the highest 10 percent earn more than double this. So if you’re gunning for a higher paying job, you can expect competition to be even stiffer than usual.

So what should you do if you’re a PT who’s on the job hunt grind? Boost your chances of getting hired by crafting a strong physical therapy resume. If you don’t have a clue where to begin, check out our comprehensive physical therapy resume guide below. It will shed a light on everything you’re unsure about including:

  • The best format for your resume
  • Which skills you should hone in on
  • What to do if you’re just starting out in the profession
  • How to make your resume more appealing to recruiters
  • Whether there’s an alternative to spending hours making your resume 

1. Multiple Template Examples

2. How to Write a Physical Therapist (PT) Resume That Will Get You Noticed by Recruiters

The ideal layout and format of a PT resume

Creating a physical therapy resume that catches the attention of recruiters requires you to get both its layout and formatting just right. Unfortunately, good enough isn’t going to cut it because the majority of recruiters won’t even look at a resume with a subpar layout or format.

However, this isn’t something you need to stress about as long as you pay attention to our expert insights. For example, we strongly recommend following the layout guidelines we’ve listed below. We compiled them based on HR professionals’ general preferences about candidates’ resumes.     

    • Number of Pages: A maximum of one page.
    • Fonts to Use: Legible fonts that convey professionalism. For example, Cambria and Garamond. 
    • Fonts to Avoid: Any fonts that look immature. For example, Markerfelt and Tempus Sans.
    • Margins: 1 inch on all sides.
  • Line Spacing: 1 or 1.15.
  • Header size: 14-16 point size.
  • Text size: 11-12 point size.

HR professionals also tend to have strong ideas about which resume format is most ideal. Most of them recommend physical therapists to structure their resume using a reverse-chronological format. The reason being that this format places strong emphasis on a candidates’ work history. Furthermore, it orders candidates’ jobs in a logical manner (namely, from most to least recent) which in turn makes for easy reading.  

What should a physical therapist put on their resume?

A physical therapist needs to cover a number of bases in their resume. This is because a resume should act as an overview of the most relevant and exceptional attributes you can offer as a professional. To ensure that your resume includes all the vital details recruiters are seeking, make sure that it features the following standard sections:

  • Contact Information: Your resume should open with your contact information. Make sure to include your name, number, home address, and email address. If you have one, it’s worthwhile to include your LinkedIn profile URL as well.
  • Resume Objective or Resume Summary: A brief statement that conveys why you’re a strong candidate for the particular PT position you’re applying for.
  • Employment History: An overview of your professional work history, focusing on your most relevant jobs. 
  • Education: Key details about your college degrees. 
  • Training and Certifications: A summary about any relevant training and certifications that allowed you to develop your knowledge and skills as a PT.
  • Skills: A list of hard and soft skills you possess that directly relate to the ones a recruiter is after.

Pro tip: Double-check that your contact details are up to date and written correctly. You’d be surprised by just how many candidates can’t be properly contacted because they miswrote their email or phone number!

How to list your education as well as your license, training, and certifications

You’ll no doubt want to reassure a recruiter that you’re a well-rounded candidate. That’s why your resume needs to feature your educational background as well as your PT license and any relevant training and certifications you have to your name. There is a proper way to go about doing this, so don’t rush ahead without learning how. Below, we’ve outlined the best practices for including each of these pieces of information in your resume:  


There’s a reason physical therapists are considered to be highly-educated professionals – you’ll need a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) to become one. But even before starting a DPT, you’ll need to complete your bachelor’s degree, either in physical therapy or a degree that covers the required prerequisites of a DPT.

To include your educational background in your resume, feature each degree in your “Education” section by listing the following information :

  • The name of the degree
  • The name of the college you attended
  • The state the college is located in
  • The years you studied

For example:

  • Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), University of Oklahoma, OK, 2017 - 2020 
  • Bachelor of Science (Physics), Oklahoma State University, OK, 2013 - 2016

Pro tip: If you have any noteworthy educational achievements, such as the fact you graduated top of your class, you can include a few of them in bullet points under the respective degree.


It’s a requirement in all 50 states that PTs hold proper licensure before commencing work. Considering how critical your PLT license is, you’ll need to ensure a recruiter sees it in your resume. To feature it correctly, provide the following details about it in a dedicated “License” section:

  • The name of the license (i.e. Physical Therapy License)
  • The state you obtained it in
  • Your license number

For example:

  • Physical Therapy License, Oklahoma State, License Number: PT 71620

Training and certifications

Any relevant training and certifications you have as a physical therapist will be valuable to feature in your resume’s “Training and Certifications” section. There are two main types of certifications you should include:

  1. A board certification from The American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS) (if you have one)
  2. Other certifications that have a direct connection to the job you’re applying for

If you’re board certified with the ABPTS, be sure to put your certification at the top of your “Training and Certifications” section. Recruiters look favorably on board certified PTs – particularly if the certification is in the same specialty area the given job is in. 

In regards to other certifications and training you have, it’s worth including any that would support you to perform the job you’re applying for. Don’t just feature internally and/or externally conducted industry training and certifications, either. Make sure to also include any first aid training you’ve undertaken.

To list your training and certifications, provide the following details:

  • Name of the training or certification
  • Name of the institution that administered it
  • State the session or course was held in
  • Year you received it

For example:

  • Neurology Specialist Certification, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, NY, 2020

Which hard and soft skills should you mention on a resume?

It’s thanks to the skills you’ve developed over the years as a PT that you’re able to help so many individuals. So you’ll definitely want a recruiter to be assured of the fact that you’re a professional who boasts an enviable range of skills.

However, before you start adding skills to various sections of your resume, keep in mind that you need to select the most relevant skills you have to the job you’re applying for. 

Luckily for you, there’s a tried-and-tested method you can use to work out what these skills are. This method basically involves identifying skills-focused ‘keywords’ in a job ad. Keywords is a term used to describe the words within a job ad that provide an insight into the qualities a recruiter is after according to their perception of an ideal candidate.

If you’re ready to learn how to identify skills-focused keywords (or any other keywords) in a job ad, read our handy 4-step guide: 

  1. Pull up the job ad of the job you’re interested in. 
  2. Scan it for keywords that indicate the skills (or other attributes) a recruiter either requires or desires an ideal candidate to have. If you’re looking for skills-focused keywords, try to find both hard skills (technical skills that can be easily quantified) and soft skills (interpersonal skills and positive character traits). 
  3. Highlight any keywords you find directly on the job ad or create a separate list of them. 
  4. Determine which ones reflect the attributes you possess yourself. Remember, you don’t need to possess them all in order to be considered for the job!

Once you’ve done this, you can begin the process of adding these skills to your resume. Firstly, list a handful of eye-catching skills in your resume’s “Skills” section (6 to 8 skills is ideal). Then, find ways to incorporate them into your “Employment History” section. Doing so is important because it shows the recruiter how you’ve put these skills into practice. 

You should also incorporate any other skills you identified into this section. Finally, add a few of them to your “Resume Objective” or “Resume Summary” section. This is often the first section recruiters look at, so be mindful to select skills that you want to put a spotlight on.

To give you a glimpse at some of the hard and soft skills recruiters may be looking for, we scanned real-life job ads for PTs. Check out the skills we identified in them:

Hard skills 

  • Providing direct care to patients in accordance with current accepted practice, licensure, certification, credentialing, and/or granted privileges
  • Reviewing medical charts to ascertain important medical information and clarify referral/treatment orders if necessary for unfamiliar diagnosis
  • Selecing appropriate assessment tools and methods in order to accurately determine the patients’ status for developing optimal treatment plan 
  • Demonstrating effective clinical decision making and ability to implement changes/adaptations to patients’ treatment plans 
  • Responding to and or coordinating response to medical emergencies
  • Referring patients to outside treatment facilities if necessary
  • Providing written evaluation reports and updates on patients
  • Providing post-discharge follow up for individuals returning from inpatient treatment
  • Performing record keeping functions in accordance with program policies and position
  • Conducting equipment, product, and literature reviews to ensure the team stays current with the provision of care

Soft skills

  • Patience
  • Clear written and oral communication abilities
  • Ability to communicate with all levels of the organization
  • Highly organized
  • Time management skills
  • Ability to work effectively within a team
  • Empathy
  • Listening skills
  • Adaptability
  • Emotional intelligence

Pro tip: If you’re proficient in another language than English, it may be useful to note this in your resume. After all, being able to communicate in the mother tongue of a patient who lacks confidence in their English abilities is definitely a skill that would come in handy!

How to highlight your most important achievements

Your resume’s “Employment History” section (also called a “Work History” section) is one section a recruiter is sure to pay careful attention to. After all, it's designed to not only provide them with an insight into the duties you performed, but also highlight the value you brought to each company by performing them. 

Despite the importance of this section, many candidates’ attempts at writing it fall short of meeting recruiters’ expectations. A common mistake is that they create a seemingly random list of the things they did in their current and previous roles without much thought of what the recruiter would actually be interested in reading.

So what information would a recruiter be interested in reading? Recruiters primarily look at an “Employment History” section to see if the given candidate: 

  1. a) Has previous experience performing the duties the job requires. 
  2. b) Possesses the skills needed to carry out these duties.

(As we explain in the section above, you can work out which duties and skills a recruiter is after by identifying and incorporating the keywords that appear in the job ad into your resume).  

Thus, to make your “Employment History” section shine, you’ll need to customize this section so it demonstrates how you offer the precise experiences and skills a recruiter is trying to track down.

To do this effectively, you won’t be able to get away with writing unremarkable statements about your work experiences. For example, take a look at the following candidate’s achievement which attempts to targets the keyword “review patients’ health records”:

  • Regularly review patients’ health records.

This achievement is completely unremarkable because it’s clear that the candidate copied and pasted the keyword from the job ad without taking the time to properly expand on it. This is a big no-no because you should only include keywords in your resume that you can back up with solid examples.

When writing out your achievements, you should not only state what you did, but also explain how your actions made a difference to the company. This is called quantifying your achievements. It’s easy to do so; just use numbers, percentages, and eye-grabbing examples to demonstrate the positive impact your actions had. 

To see what a difference quantifying your achievements makes, check out the following candidate’s achievement:

  • Regularly review patients’ health records to identify opportunities for improvement, as evidenced by my patient’s 20% improvement in mobility following my review. 

What are the differences between a resume objective and summary? When should I use which?

Based on a quick glance, a resume objective and resume summary may appear to be indistinguishable from one another. After all, these two sections are similarly positioned under your contact information section and have a recommended length of 2 to 4 sentences. They both aim to convince a recruiter that you’re a candidate who won’t let them down thanks to the ideal mix of attributes you offer.

What, then, are the differences between them? The answer is that they differ in their approach as well as the type of candidate who should write each one. 

A resume objective focuses on the attributes candidates with little or no professional experience in physical therapy can offer in spite of their inexperience. In addition to highlighting their relevant skills, studies, and non-paid experiences, candidates can even mention their career goals. You should therefore only add this section to your resume if you’re an entry level candidate.

In contrast, a resume summary focuses on the attributes experienced candidates can offer. While centering around their professional experiences, a resume summary should also include candidates’ relevant skills and noteworthy qualities. You should opt for a resume summary over a resume objective once you’ve worked as a PT for at least a few years.   

How do you write a resume objective? (Examples included)

There are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind if you want to write a killer PT resume objective. One of the most important considerations is in fact what not to do. To make these mistakes crystal clear, let’s analyze what’s not so great about the following resume objective example:

  • I just graduated from my Doctor of Physical Therapy so I’m ready to show the world what a great physical therapist I can be! I believe that the best place to do this is in your clinic. I know that you’ll agree once you see how skilled I am in physical therapy and all of the other wonderful qualities people praise me about. For more information, please check out the rest of my resume.

One of the most immediate thoughts a recruiter would have about this resume objective is how unprofessional it sounds. The tone is completely unsuitable for a resume – it sounds like the candidate is talking to their friends about why they want and deserve to work at the company, rather than trying to establish a meaningful connection with a recruiter! 

Remember, your entire resume should solidify what a consummate professional you are in the recruiter’s mind. The candidate also doesn’t help matters by failing to provide any substantial information about themselves. All in all, they provide a very superficial description of themselves without sharing any specific details and examples. 

For example, they say they have what it takes to be a “great physical therapist” and also boast about how skilled they are and the “wonderful qualities” they possess, but don’t even name a single reason or example to back any of this up!

So what does a resume objective look like that ticks all the boxes? Check out the following example:

  • After graduating from my Doctor of Physical Therapy with a GPA of 3.6, I now aspire to bring my empathetic and research-based approach to PT to Physical Therapy Plus. I plan to do this by selecting appropriate assessment tools to develop optimal treatment plans for patients, listening to their needs and concerns, and drawing on my strong clinical decision making abilities. First Aid and CPR certified with the Red Cross.

Likewise to the previous candidate, this candidate is a fresh graduate. However, unlike the previous candidate, this candidate makes their attributes clearly known to the recruiter. It all starts in the first sentence, where the candidate not only mentions their fantastic GPA, but also the approach they take to PT. 

It’s helpful to highlight this because a recruiter is most definitely interested in learning about the type of physical therapist you see yourself as. This candidate shares that they take an “empathetic and research-based approach to PT,” which is smart considering that this shows an attractive combination of soft and hard skills.

The candidate explains how they will carry out this approach by highlighting the impressive skills they will draw on. That is, by “selecting appropriate assessment tools to develop optimal treatment plans for patients, listening to their needs and concerns, and drawing on my strong clinical decision making abilities.” This is a stark contrast to the previous candidate, who only said they are skilled. Finally, this candidate ends their resume objective by adding that they hold relevant certifications.

As you can tell, this candidate’s attempt is clearly superior. Remember to keep these pointers about what to do as well as what to avoid in mind when putting together your own resume objective.

How do you write a resume summary? (Examples included)

If you’re ready to capture a recruiter’s attention as soon as they pick up your resume, you’ll need to craft a stellar resume summary. Your resume summary should ultimately convince a recruiter to keep reading the rest of your application. Unfortunately, many candidates’ resume summaries have the complete opposite effect, like the following example shows:  

  • Highly experienced physical therapist with the right combination of skills, attributes and experiences to shine in the full time position at Empowered Physical Therapy. With a proven track record of helping countless patients and dedication to my job, I am confident that I’m the right person for this job.

This candidate has made a crushing mistake that many candidates end up making. They were overzealous in selling themselves as a top candidate. To be clear, the candidate’s self-confidence is not a problem in itself, the issue is that they seem to be all talk. 

After all, they don’t make it clear what the skills, attributes, and experiences they offer are. Nor do they quantify their so-called “proven track record of helping countless patients” or show they are indeed dedicated to their job.

Recruiters don’t want to be told to simply believe that you’re a dream candidate. They want to come to this understanding themselves based on the relevant and specific information you provide them about your skills, attributes and experiences. To see how this is done, refer to the following candidate’s resume summary:

  • Licensed physical therapist who has specialized in geriatric PT for 6+ years wishes to bring their client-centered approach and their strong multitasking abilities to the full time position at Empowered Physical Therapy. Due to client referrals, I have brought in over 20 new patients to my current clinic. I hold a Geriatrics Specialist Certification from ABPTS.

This candidate has effectively used their resume summary to showcase why a recruiter should seriously consider their application. The candidate demonstrates just as much self confidence as the previous candidate, however they support what they’re saying with specific details and evidence.

The candidate smoothly points out a number of qualities that the recruiter is looking for. Just within the first sentence the candidate manages to highlight that they’re a) licensed, b) specialize in geriatric PT, c) have 6+ years of relevant experience, and d) offer both hard skills (client-centered approach) and soft skills (strong multitasking abilities). You can imagine how impressed a recruiter would be reading about all of those attractive and relevant qualities!

Another thing they do that we strongly recommend you do too is put a spotlight on one particularly attention-grabbing achievement. Can you spot it? The candidate shares that they successfully brought in 20+ patients to their current practice thanks to client referrals. A recruiter would eat this up because it shows that the candidate has the tick of approval from the very people whose opinion matters most – patients themselves. Finally, the candidate also makes their last sentence count by focusing on their relevant board certification.

If you’re serious about making a resume summary that sets you apart, don’t forget to put our tips above into practice. Once you do, you can expect recruiters to spend far longer considering your resume than they have in the past.

How do you write a physical therapist resume with little to no experience?

Applying for a PT job after you’ve just received your PT license can be daunting. If it’s any consolation, every current physical therapist knows exactly how you’re feeling! They also know that your job search won’t be too long if you know how to write an entry level physical therapy resume that glows. Here are our top tips for putting one together: 

  • Highlight your clinical residency: Did you complete a clinical residency following your graduation? You’ll definitely want to shine a light on it in your resume. This experience will be considered golden by recruiters as it allowed you to experience the ins and outs of PT work. 
  • Opt for a functional resume format: There’s no getting around the fact that you don’t have any paid professional experience. But that doesn’t mean your resume needs to emphasize this! Using a functional resume format instead of reverse-chronological one will reposition the focus on your skills as opposed to your professional experiences. Talk about convenient formatting!
  • Feature your volunteer experiences: While you may not have paid professional experience, you may have some shining examples of relevant volunteer experiences to your name. For example, you may have volunteered at a healthcare facility or at a facility that helps vulnerable or elderly people. You can include some key details about any experiences you’ve undertaken as a volunteer in a section named “Volunteer Experiences”.

How do you make your resume stand out? 

Remember how we said PT is a highly competitive industry? This fact makes it integral to do everything you can to make your resume stand out. If you’re after some practical things you can do that will have a big impact, check out our expert tips below:

  • Use a resume headline: One underutilized resume feature that can seriously improve your chances of capturing a recruiter’s eye is a resume headline. It’s a one line headline positioned below your contact information that captures who you are and why you’re worth paying attention to. Learn more about how to make yours here.
  • Quantify your achievements: Just in case you missed our advice above, we want to make it clear that quantifying your achievements is a must. After all, what recruiter wouldn’t be impressed by a candidate who has grown their clientele by 20%? Or one who managed to increase their patient’s range of motion by 3x thanks to their amazing skills? Remember, don’t merely state what you did, instead, make your achievements come to life with noteworthy examples. 
  • Start your application early: If you leave putting your application together to the last minute, you’ll likely make some silly mistakes in the rush to submit it. Always start working on your resume as soon as possible so you always have ample time to perfect it as well as review it.

  • Include a cover letter: While a resume is always a mandatory part of every application, a cover letter may only be optional. If you have the opportunity to submit one, always do so. Including a cover letter shows your commitment to the position and gives you the opportunity to elaborate on the qualities you focused on in your resume. Think of it as a helpful supplementary document to your all-important resume.

5. How to Use’s Resume Builder Tool to Make an Incredible PTA Resume

Few can deny the significant mental and physical energy you need to expend every day as a PT. So it’s perfectly reasonable that when you get back home, there’s little else you want to do other than kick back and relax. The thing is, when you’re job hunting, you’ll need to find the time and energy not only to look for jobs, but also to apply for them. Needless to say, a huge chunk of it will need to be dedicated to making your resume. So much for your plans to wind down, right?

While we can’t help you cut down on the amount of time you spend searching for jobs, what we can do is provide you with a means of reducing the time and pain usually involved with making your resume. Namely, our state-of-the-art resume builder

Our resume builder completely simplifies the resume making process for you by breaking it down section by section. So instead of needing to figure out how to apply all of the expert pointers we’ve shared above, you can rely on our resume builder, as it comes in-built with all these considerations. 

What’s more, instead of trying to figure out the format and layout of your resume, you’ll receive exclusive access to our boutique resume templates. There’s one to suit every job application, from more formal options like “Classic,” to more sleek ones like “Gravity.”

If this all sounds gimmicky, just ask the thousands of customers who have successfully landed their dream jobs using it what they think of our resume builder! 

For those of you who are ready to put our resume builder to the test, don’t delay in giving it a whirl for yourself!

pharmaceutical representative

pharmaceutical representative

physicial assistant

physicial assistant


Pharmacists are the bedrock upon which the entire medication industry is based. Without these highly trained individuals to verify prescriptions, keep track of stock, and ensure that prescriptions are filled the right way and in good time, we’d have no way to use the medication that doctors prescribe to us.

Working as a pharmacist is an exciting, hands-on position, but you need to make sure your resume is perfect in order to land your dream job. In the following guide we’ll be walking you through everything you need to know to craft a resume that’s sure to get you through the door. If you’ve been stressing out over how best to structure your resume, this article will serve as the perfect starting point for you, and can serve as a reference point for later resumes as well.

Multiple Template Examples

How to Write a Pharmacist Resume That Will Get You Through the Door

How to Format It

The best format for a pharmacist’s resume is the reverse chronological structure. The logic behind opting for this layout is based on recognizing just how important your college experience is. As a result, you should really be mentioning it as soon as possible in the document. The reverse chronological structure will also demonstrate your most recent working experience as a pharmacist right away, rather than spending precious time talking about less relevant jobs you may have held early on in your working career.

You have to think about the recruiter’s point of view when you’re planning out your resume. They may well be going through a massive pile of resumes, so it’s very possible that you’ll only have a limited chance to grab their attention before their mind starts to wander. The reverse chronological format is the ideal way to make as strong a first impression as possible.

What Makes a Great Pharmacist Resume

Great pharmacist resumes typically feature a few different key elements. These include:

  1. Relevant experience for the particular job you’re applying for
  2. The perfect blend of hard and soft skills for the job in question
  3. Any achievements you’ve managed to rack up over the years that are pertinent to the pharmaceutical industry
  4. Which aspects of your personality and working capacity you’re most proud of
  5. What makes you unique

However, it’s not enough to simply include the information mentioned above. In order to really blow the recruiter away and make it clear that you’re the right person for the job, you need to spare no energy in ensuring everything you include is formatted as clearly and attractively as possible. A good resume ticks all of the boxes above, whereas a great resume goes one step further and not only presents the above pieces of information, but also makes them easy to read and visually appealing.

Another way to elevate your resume from “good” to “great” is to make sure it’s specifically targeted to the particular job you’re applying for. We’ll be getting into targeting your resume for the job you’re applying to further on in this guide, but for the moment just keep in mind that every single line of your resume needs to be as accurate as possible in order to give yourself the best chance of impressing the recruiter.

How to Compose a Professional Experience Section in a Resume

Composing a professional experience section in a resume doesn’t need to take hours, but you do need to make sure you spend enough time on it to avoid any errors. There’s no point in having fantastic work experience littered with typos, spelling errors, and grammatical mistakes. The first key aspect to a great professional experience section is, therefore, doing your due diligence to ensure it’s spotless.

When you’re mentioning the jobs you’ve previously worked at, keep things as short and to-the-point as possible. We recommend including your job title, the name of the company you worked at, and the dates you started and finished working there. Underneath this quick overview, include a few bullet points that highlight your achievements — no more than four or five.

To really drive home the fact that you’re the best person for the job, craft your professional experiences section to the precise position you’re applying to. You’ll find more information on how to do that later on in this article, but the general idea is to pick out which traits the recruiters will be looking out for, and then tailoring your experiences to highlight why you’re the best choice for that particular job.

What Achievements to Mention and How to Do it Correctly

Mentioning achievements in your resume help paint a picture of yourself as somebody who doesn’t just stick to the status quo, but actively goes out of their way to succeed in everything you do. There are a few different categories of achievement to consider listing:

1. Clinical Achievements

By far the most impressive achievements you could mention on a pharmacist’s resume are those, which you accomplished in a clinical setting or during your residency. Throughout the course of your degree, you’ll, no doubt, have spent plenty of time getting practical work experience in the form of ward rounds, internships, etc. 

Often there are special prizes awarded to students or technicians who perform exceptionally well, and if you’ve been able to snag one of these awards at some point during your training or clinical work, they should be the first achievements you mention in this section.

To get the most mileage out of your clinical achievements, keep the information about them short and sweet. A simple two-line description of what you accomplished and in what clinical setting you accomplished it is more than enough to impress the recruiter, and should give you a strong head start over your competition, who don’t have clinical achievements to mention.

2. Academic Achievements

Similar to clinical achievements, but not identical, academic achievements refer to any prizes you were able to win during your degree. These could include prizes awarded for essays, research work, or group projects you played an important part in. They don’t have to be directly related to pharmacy or pharmaceuticals. In fact, if you’re able to mention achievements that come from other fields, it will be especially impressive to whoever’s reading your resume, as it demonstrates that you’re a well-rounded candidate with a few different strings to your bow.

When you’re mentioning your academic achievements, it’s often a good idea to include a brief description, detailing exactly what the award entailed. For example, if you’ve won an essay prize, quickly going through what the prize was for and what your essay was about will help ground the achievement itself in a wider context, which means the recruiter is more likely to remember it — and, by extension, to remember you as well.

Which Soft Skills to Put In Your Resume as a Pharmacist

Because your day-to-day work as a pharmacist will involve a significant amount of time spent interacting with people, your soft skills are arguably more important than your hard skills. The kinds of traits that successful, high-achieving pharmacists have are almost all more closely related to interpersonal skills and high-level organizational abilities than they are to the more scientific side of the craft. 

For that reason, it could be a good idea to mention your soft skills before the hard skills. Even though that seems to fly in the face of what’s usually recommended for writing resumes, in this specific instance it could be a great way to show the recruiter that you know what the job requires, and that you’re aware of which skills are likely to play the biggest roles in the daily routine. Here are some of the soft skills to mention in your resume:

  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Organizational ability
  • Flexibility
  • Teamwork
  • Positive attitude
  • Empathy

Which Hard Skills to Put In Your Resume as a Pharmacist

The hard skills that are used by pharmacists will relate to your ability to handle the more granular aspects of the job on a daily basis. For example, prior experience with prescription-tracking software, and being able to maintain neat and orderly inventory records will go a long way. 

Although you won’t necessarily be using all of the biochemical knowledge you picked up during your degree on a regular basis, it’s still a good idea to talk about your familiarity with different kinds of prescriptions and medications. What’s particularly important is being able to quickly and accurately keep track of the way different medicines will interact with each other, so that you can advise a patient in real time, as opposed to having to spend an age trawling through the Internet to find the information you’re looking for. These are some of the most important hard skills to consider including on your resume:

  • Maths & science skills
  • Management ability
  • Till operation
  • Accuracy
  • Familiarity with prescription-filling software
  • In-depth knowledge of medication interaction

How to Write a Resume Objective and Examples of This

Your resume objective is a great opportunity to show the recruiter that you’ve read the job posting in detail and you understand exactly what’s required, but in order to make it truly impressive you need to understand how to write it correctly. Good resume objectives are written in a dispassionate, objective tone, focusing more on how you can get the job done, than on how well you were able to perform in past roles. 

Take a close look at the job listing and work out which tasks are most important, and then craft your objective statement to reflect your ability to handle those tasks. Pharmacist resume objectives should be short and to the point — waffling on about the job is exactly the opposite of what you want to do, so don’t worry if you’re being too concise. Here are a couple examples of spot-on resume objectives that you can use for inspiration when you’re writing your own:

  1. Pharmacy graduate keen to apply knowledge of chemistry and interactions between different medications to that role at XYZ Pharmacy in order to improve patient health and on-location experience. 
  2. Driven, passionate pharmacist with 5 years of experience interested in bringing customer service skills, interpersonal communication ability, and in-depth knowledge of medication and its dispensation to ABC Pharmacy.

How to Write a Resume Summary and Examples of This

Whereas resume objectives should be dry and to-the-point, resume summaries are an opportunity to present a much more holistic picture of what you can bring to the table, should you be hired for the job. Avoid the passive language used in writing a resume objective and instead focus on writing actively and dynamically, about the value you were able to bring to past roles. 

Don’t be afraid to get specific in terms of numbers, percentages, or other hard figures that demonstrate concretely what a great idea it is to hire you for the role. See below for two examples of resume summaries that tick all the boxes, and pay special attention to how they differ from the examples of resume objective statements above:

  1. Energetic, empathetic pharmacist with 8 years of experience in all areas of retail pharmacy work interested in applying strong work ethic, excellent interpersonal skills, and organizational ability to that position at ABC Pharmacy. In my most recent professional experience I was able to make suggestions about medication arrangements in order to improve the customer experience, and I managed to increase footfall by 15% over the course of a year by reimagining the way the pharmacy was laid out.
  2. Organized, motivated pharmacist with two years of experience in retail pharmacy work interested in leveraging customer service skills and deep knowledge of medications in order to improve the customer experience and boost working efficiency at XYZ pharmacy. I handled a range of different jobs in my last professional engagement, including resolving insurance claim issues, training new personnel, and filling specialty prescriptions. 

How to Write a Pharmacist Resume When You Have Limited or No Experience

Although having direct working experience in the role you’re applying for is obviously a big plus for employers, there’s no reason you can’t get without experience, as long as your resume is top notch. It can be a daunting task, attempting to write your resume in a way that focuses more on your skills and qualifications than prior professional experiences, but there are a few simple strategies you can follow in order to give yourself as much of a helping hand in the application process as possible. Here are some of the best ways to write a pharmacist resume when you have limited experience working as a pharmacist.

1. Get Specific With Your Skills

Whereas you might want to keep your skill section concise, if you already have on-the-job experience - if you’re fresh out of college and trying to land your first position, it’s a great idea to be as specific as possible when you’re talking about the skills you can bring to the table. Rather than simply sticking with general hard skills, as mentioned in the skills section above, don’t be afraid to be much more granular. 

For example, instead of mentioning the fact that you have a wide array of clinical skills, talk about how you can count pills, operate the cash register, and quickly process possible interactions between medications in your head without needing to spend ages researching them online. Not only will this demonstrate that you’ve got the right skillset required to handle the demands of the role, it’ll also show that you got an intimate understanding of what day-to-day work of a pharmacist actually looks like.

2. Be Descriptive About Your Education

Everybody has to start somewhere, and pharmacists are no different. Because you’ve spent such a long time in college, working towards your degree, you already have an excellent supply of information you can call on, when you’re trying to distract from the fact that you don’t have much work experience. 

Entry-level pharmaceutical jobs don’t always require candidates to have prior experience, and if you can talk expressively about how well you handled yourself throughout the course of an academic career, it just might tip the balance in your favor and encourage the recruiter to give you a start by going through with a hire for their entry-level position.

How to Target Your Resume for Each Application

Targeting your resume for a specific position is probably the single best way to boost your chances of getting called in for an interview. The single best way to ensure your resume is as targeted and precise as possible is by spending plenty of time reading over the job listing in detail and focusing on what exactly the recruiters are likely to be looking for.

Keywords are your friend in this endeavor. If you notice lots of keywords that relate to interpersonal skills and organizational ability, it makes sense to highlight that aspect of what you can offer in your resume. One way to prioritize those soft skills is by including them before the hard skills in your resume, which will make it immediately obvious to the recruiter that you’re not just copy-pasting your resume and using it for job after job, but rather tailoring your resume to the specific position you’re applying for. 

Another way to make it clear you’ve read the listing and understand exactly what job you’re applying for is to customize your experience section, depending on what your potential employers are looking for. If, for example, they’re hoping for a hands-on, well-organized pharmacist to assist a more senior pharmacist in keeping everything neat and tidy, it may be a good idea to focus on experience you have working in a warehouse, or in stock at some retail position you have in your history. 

This will encourage the recruiter to make a mental note about your application, because when they read your resume they’ll already be thinking that you offer exactly what they’re looking for in a new employee. 

Pharmacist jobs are highly sought after, but if you’re able to put together a highly precise resume, you should be well on your way to snagging the position of your dreams. There’s plenty of upward mobility potential for pharmacists as well, with some of the most successful individuals going on to start their own pharmacies, so if you can get in at the ground level in an entry-level position, the chances for career advancement are high. 

By targeting your resume as much as possible, you’ll be giving yourself the best possible chance of getting the job and stepping onto the first rung in that particular career ladder.

How to Make Your Resume Stand Out

Everybody wants to make their resume stand out, but by definition not everybody can stand out. To make sure your resume marks itself out from the herd, you need to do things that other candidates wouldn’t even consider. Because the degree and working experience is such an important aspect of being a pharmacist, the best way to stand out from the crowd might actually be to focus on other aspects of your resume. 

It’s a given that your competitors will be focusing as much as possible on their experience and work history, which gives you a great opportunity, if you’re able to focus on the other, more commonly neglected aspects of your own application.

1. Make it Easy to Read

You’d be amazed at how many resumes make basic mistakes, such as being packed full of text, using more than one kind of font, or forgetting to leave white space. If you’re able to make your resume particularly easy to read, the recruiter will already be grateful, purely because they’re sick to death of reading awkward, clunky resumes that aren’t presented properly. 

2. Focus on What Makes You Different

Everybody you’ll be competing with will have a pharmacist’s degree, but not everybody will have spent time in the debating society in college, just like not everybody will have gone on a charitable trip to South America. No matter what it is that you’ve been able to accomplish in your life, it’s worth mentioning, since it’ll help you to elevate your resume from a dry, formal document to a dynamic, versatile representation of a real person

You’re the only one with your exact experiences, so whether it’s hobbies and interests, charitable work, or sporting excellence, talking about the things that only you can talk about will go a long way towards making your resume jump out at the recruiter and differentiate itself from the rest.

How’s Resume Building Tool Can Be Utilized for an Easy Resume Setup

The guide you’ve just read through probably seems like an awful lot of information, but don’t worry — there’s an easy, straightforward way for you to create a killer pharmacist’s resume, without needing to spend hours fine-tuning every last detail. 

Resumebuild’s resume building tool comes already-equipped with hundreds upon hundreds of professionally-designed resume templates, every one of which will help you make your mark on the recruiter. All you need to do is choose the template that appeals the most to you and fill out the various personal details with your own information. Once you’re done with those two steps, the last stage is to download the resume itself, which only takes one click.

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