reference librarian

  • Responsible for furnishing or locating information and/or books to assist patrons at both Adult and Children’s Reference desks 
  • Experience with searching standard reference materials, including online sources to answer patrons’ reference questions
  • Consulted with and instructed staff members on proper archival storage and handling of their yearbook collection
  • Experience with OverDrive, Sirsi Dynix Symphony 

reference librarian, web design & outreach

  • Created, managed, updated, and enhanced reference web pages
  • Promoted reference and instruction services on campus and in community through print materials, electronic marketing, and ensured presence at campus sponsored events
  • Facilitated outreach to community organizations such as the Lakeshore Foundation
  • Created and managed library blog to enhance visibility of library news, events, and services
  • Developed Faculty Meeting Initiative to build relationships with campus leadership