computer systems analyst

  • Managed 10,000+ Argent and Autosys jobs nightly.
  • Managed and maintained system reliability of CA-7 mainframe, Autosys, Argent, Prime, Remedy, Manage Now, and Foglight with more than 200 servers.
  • Provided project support; performed conference calls and released mainframe and Argent jobs.
  • Collaborated with Quality Management teams to incorporate support processes and procedures within software development methodology. Resulting in more open communication and collaboration between development and support teams.
  • Coordinated with end users to provide technical support; assisted with special projects into successful completion.
  • Managed successful cross-training efforts with multiple support teams to insure production cycle coverage during high-volume time frames and to handle impact of staff attrition.
  • Identified and resolved software application issues; coordinated with administrators and staff to evaluate computer system requirements.