How to Use a Resume Builder and Make It Yours

A resume builder may be the perfect tool for you. You might want to use one if:
- You aren’t computer-savvy.
- You aren’t familiar with formatting documents in a word processor.
- You don’t have lots of time to update your professional document.
A resume creator can help you create and edit your document easily and quickly in all these scenarios. However, if you just go through the motions with the software, a builder can spit out resumes that read like cookie-cutter templates. A hiring manager can spot these from a mile away. There is a way to use and enjoy the convenience and ease of a builder and come out with a highly personal, relevant document. Find out how.
How to Use a Resume Creator the Smart Way and Avoid a Generic First Impression
While using a resume builder correctly can help you create a very powerful resume, you can do even more with a little extra work. Here’s how to do it.
1. Enter Your Information as Usual
A resume builder presents you with fields to fill out versus a blank page. Enter all your information accurately. The builder will fill in a template automatically with all your details.
2. Choose Fonts and Colors
Make sure you don’t go with the default resume example. Instead, choose one that is well-organized and eye-catching. Then, take the time to pick out a simple font with accent colors that are easy to read. This helps differentiate you from a sea of other resumes drowning in Times New Roman.
3. Download the Document in an Editable Format
Once your resume template is filled out and complete, download the document in a format that is editable. Once downloaded, you should be able to open it in your word processing software of choice.
4. Edit!
Open the finished document. Save a copy to your hard drive, then go to town editing that copy. Rearrange sections, change header font sizes, and liven up the wording in descriptions of your skills and experience. Play around and make it yours. If you mess up the formatting or make an error, you can scrap your work, because you will still have the original document saved.
Stand Out from the Pack with Your Resume
Your resume is your first impression. You can’t ever take that back. Make sure you encourage a positive one and stand out. A resume builder can help you create a great resume. You can then take that resume and totally personalize it. Go the extra mile and you’ll come off as anything but generic.